Saturday, August 26, 2017

Antara Gange Trek

Its not the destinations that you choose,
Its not the distances you take ,Its the dreams you chase,
Its the roads you take.
Its the memories you make!
~Mystic Rider

It's all started on a lazy Saturday evening , One of my roommate has already planned for this trek and I am going to join them in the last minute . As a biker , I always look for less explored terrains . The joy of conquering such places is only known to a biker enthusiast ! Yeah, We are going to Antara Gange for one day trek . Before we start let's see few information about this place in advance . 

Antara Gange is a mountain situated in the Shathashrunga mountain range in the southeastern portion of the Indian state of Karnataka . Antara Gange literally means "Ganges from deep" in Kannada , It is about two miles from the Kolar and nearly 65 kms from Bangalore . Antara Gange is famous for the temple situated on the mountain . In the temple is a pond which gets a continuous flow of underground water from the mouth of Basava ( Stone Bull ) . 

As per our plan , We have started from our place by 6:30 AM Sunday morning and we will catch up few friends on the way . Then we will proceed towards Kolar . However ! beautiful Bangalore traffic delayed us by one hour on Sunday Morning and we left city by 7:30 AM . Road from Bangalore to Kolar is very nice , you can enjoy the drive as well as the scenes once you cross the city borders .  

First Breakfast Pit Stop :

While driving between Bangalore and Kolar , You will see few big hotels on the left hand side . Trust me skip them and go for small hotels on the way . They will surprise you . Breakfast was Good and also be prepared to wait on weekends . It's worth every minute . After a quick breakfast , we started our journey towards Antara Gange . We reached Antara Gange Hills around 9 :30 AM . 

Note  : You need to take service road before Kolar ! Yeah , We missed it ! It took extra 2 kms for us to come back . 

Antara Gange Hills :

From parking lot to the temple , It will take fifteen mins via steps . We took the unusual path for trek. Though we lost route in the middle . It was Good . Many monkeys surround this area . Avoid feeding them or they will follow you for food . You will see many local tourists , not too many to crowd the place . Trekking is somewhat tough , if you are not going to use steps to climb the hill . You can also use the trail going from the temple upwards to climb up , Its quite easy . If you are starting from the temple side , you can park your vehicle in the parking space at a cost of Rs 20 . The space also has average quality rest rooms and small shop to buy basic stuff such as food and water . 

Trekking : 

The stairs carved on the rocks disappear soon once you go up . Halfway you will start seeing the town of Kolar amongst the rocky hills which is great sight . Its quite suitable for both first time trekkers and experienced . Just carry sufficient water with you while climbing . Try and start as early as possible or else it can get a little hot in afternoon . Overall it won't take more than 2 hour to reach the top points . At top points , there are multiple rocks . You can look for a rock to sit and enjoy the scenic view , There is not much to be done here . You can spend time on exploring the top view .

  • Caves : 

    After an hour of trek we met local kids who offered to guide through Caves but we decided to explore the place by ourself initially as we had a lot of time (and that was a bad decision). We asked the direction from them but no-one was ready to help . We searched for some time and then we came back to same kid for guide . Do take guide from local kids , I know we all like to explore the places by ourself but guide is must at this place , we paid him 150 Rs for 9 peoples . It's worth for it .  The Caves have several difficult gaps through which we need to slide out ! In Certain places , the gaps between clefts and rocks are just wide enough for a medium sized guy . 

    Water Cave : 

    After exploring first Cave , we went to second Cave ( water Cave ) to get water . Then we started trekking down . If you are lucky , On weekends , You will see a old lady selling mango's and butter milk on the way down . !! 

    Stone Bull 

    We reached foot hill around 1:00 PM . Antara Gange literally means "Ganges from deep" in Kannada . Antara Gange is famous for the temple situated on the mountain . In the temple is a pond which gets a continuous flow of underground water from the water from mouth of Basava ( Stone Bull ) .  

    Antara Gange Temple 

    The presiding deity of this temple is Kashi Vishveshwara . The devotees believe that the water is the sacred Ganga falling from the head of Lord Shiva . The Kasi Vishweshwara temple has a  pond which receives water from the perennial spring " Antaragange " which comes from the mouth of a Basava ( Bull Carved in Stone ) . The source of water or where it originates is stil unknown . The water gushes out from the bull's mouth be it monsoon or summer throughout the year . 

    Return Journey : 

    We started around 2 PM from Andara Gange foot hills towards Bangalore after taking group photo . We had lunch on the way and we reached bangalore around 4 PM . 

    As Ibn Batuta Say ..

    " Traveling - it leaves you speechless , then turns you into a Storyteller. " ! Overall Antara Gange - Good level one trekking experience for One day trip . 

    Ride Safe !
    Siva Prasad ..

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